Explore our Course Integrated G&G Study for Carbonate Reservoir This integrated G&G training has a comprehensive concept by integrating geology, petrophysics, geophysics, …
MetaDB by GTN
MetaDB is a modern, user-friendly web application that utilizes artificial intelligence to automate the process of managing metadata related to subsurface oil and gas resources. It ensures that the metadata is compliant with
Lampiran-1 PERMEN ESDM No. 7/2019, and allows users to preview the data before uploading it into the

Geoscience Data Viewer (GDV)
GDV is our application used for visualize both seismic & well data using our own technology to be obtained via web basedgraphical user interface. There are several parts of GTN-VDR such as GTN Segy2MongoDB,GTN Segy2Vol, GTN GIS Basemap, GTN 2D Seismic Viewer, GTN 3D Seismic Viewer, GTNWell Logs Viewer

GTN Training Schedule 2023
GTN offers numerous Oil and Gas training with various categories. By this schedule, all of our training programs are able to be held In-house with on-demand schedule. GTN accommodates customized training to fit with your needs and our trainer will adjust the syllabus content according to your specific requirements.
GTN Video Gallery
Click this link below to see our training, field trip, and consulting after movie portfolio. We always create a memorable documentation to every clients

Our Services
- Training & Fieldtrip
- Consulting
Our Partners & Clients

Work Gallery
- GTN in collaboration with Geological Engineering of Pertamina University has successfully organized a Carbon Capture Storage Field Trip: Ombilin Basin & Mandeh Area on 20 – 24 February 2024.
- Carbonate & Diagenesis of Southern Mountain Field Trip for Pertamina Hulu Energi on February 18th – 22nd, 2024.
- AVO, Seismic Attribute & Velocity Modelling Course for Repsol Sakakemang B.V. starts from 21st – 24th November, 2023.
- Field Observation for Geological Analog “Syn-Rift Sedimentary Deposits” Field Trip for PT. Bumi Siak Pusako in Sukabumi 2023
- Pelatihan Pengolahan Data Seismik, Karakterisasi Reservoar, Seismik Pasif dan Artificial Intelligence dalam Geoscience Training for PT. Bumi Siak Pusako, October 4th – 5th 2023
- ‘Reservoir Production Engineering Fundamentals’ training in Yogyakarta from 23 to 26 October for ENI Muara Bakau B.V.
- Advance Structural Geology Analysis From Fault & Fracture Modelling Including Prediction to Kinematics and Reconstruction Training & Field Trip for Repsol Sakakemang B.V in Yogyakarta, Klaten and Kebumen starts from 23-29 September, 2023.
- The Application of Structural Geology Field Trip for Exploration for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd. Starts from 15-18 September around Riau and West Sumatera.
- Applied Geomechanics for Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs Training for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd. in Yogyakarta starts from 4-8 September, 2023
- Advanced Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Training for Petrocina International Jabung Ltd. in Ygyakarta starts from 21-25 August, 2023
- Geospatial Analysis for Petroleum Exploration Training was successfully held for SKK Migas in Jakarta from August 21 to 24.
- Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Training for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd. in Bandung, August 7-11.
- On August 4th, GTN invited Repsol Sakakemang B.V. for an exclusive tour of the Geochem and Geology Labs at Gadjah Mada University. Embarking on a journey of discovery in the realm of Hydrocarbon Exploration!
- Petroleum Geochemistry for Exploration Geoscientists Training for Repsol Sakakemang B.V. in GTN Creative Space Yogyakarta
- Some moments captured from “Static 3D Modeling in Clastics & Carbonates Depositional Environment” for SKK Migas, held in Bandung, May 22 to 26 2023.
- ‘Static 3D Modeling in Clastics & Carbonates Depositional Environment’ training for SKK Migas with Mr Abdul Latif as instructor.
- Several moments of events from the “Geological Field Work & Site Sampling Central Sumatera Basin & Ombilin Basin” for PT. Bumi Siak Pusako and SKK Migas held on 23-26 January 2023.
- Some moments caught in Geological Field Trip in the “Paciran Analogue In East Java Basin” on January 10-13, 2023 for Kangean Energy Indonesia.
- Inhouse Training “Applied Reservoir Simulation” for PT. Pertamina EP Zona 7 Cirebon, 3-6 October 2022 in Burza Hotel, Yogyakarta.
- “Advanced 3D Modeling : A Conceptual and Approach for Karst Fracture Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis”
- “Full Package of Petrophysicist: What can you offer to Reduce Subsurface Uncertainty” by Mr. Didit P
- “Static 3D Geological Modelling : Practical Techniques to Build Static Geological Model” for Kangean
We Provide
Upcoming Trainings
Explore our Course Seismic Data Processing The objective of Seismic Data Processing Training is to provide audiences a better understanding and grasp of …
Explore our Course Introduction to Petrophysics Petrophysics as one of important discipline in oil industry should be placed proportionally together with the …
Explore our Course Poro-Elasticity Aspects in Geomechanis This four-days course is designed to provide these understanding in petroleum industry with a thorough …
Explore our Course Drilling for Non-Drillers During this drilling for non-drillers training program participants will learn firm foundation in Drilling Engineering by understanding …
Explore our Course Petroleum Engineering for Non Petroleum Engineers This course introduces terminology, operations overview and addresses engineering issues ranging from initial …