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Basin & Petroleum System Modeling: Concept & Application
Basin and petroleum system modeling (BPSM) is one of the most rapidly growing disciplines within the geosciences world because of the high demand by industry for continuous improvement in predictions of petroleum generation, migration, accumulation, and alteration.
The main goal of this training is to teach participants on what, why and how to understand and work on the basin and petroleum system modelling, and applying those concept to any exploration, advance exploration to development stage of project.
As exercise is one of the most important thing in learning, participants will learn by practice on how to run basin model scenario i.e 1D, 2.5D or 3D and compare them to understand its pros and cons in comprehensive manner in addition of study and discussion case.
Course Info

Day 1 Basin and Petroleum System Model: Overview
- Overview of basin and petroleum system model
- Basin modelling, 1D, 2D, 2.5D and 3D
- Burial history
- Source rock
- Recognition and evaluation of source rocks
- Exercise, Study and Discussion Case
Day 1 will be occupied with an overview of basin and petroleum system modeling (BPSM). Source rock and its evaluation will be discussed in day 1. There will be exercise, study and discussion case presented to give a good first-touch comprehensive understanding for the participant.
Day 2
Basin and Petroleum System Model: Elements
- Maturity
- Heatflow
- Boundary condition
- Kinetic
- Exercise, Study and Discussion Case
Basin and Petroleum System Model: Process
- Pressure
- Seal
- Migration
- Phase effect during migration
- Exercise, Study and Discussion Case
Day 2 will be a continuation topic of BPSM, it will talk more about elements of modelling. There will also be exercise in this day. Study and discussion will move to more advance topics. It is designed that further discussion topic will open up more complete understanding of BPSM and will talk about process after elements. PVT as important factor in hydrocarbon determination will be discussed this day.
Day 3
Basin and Petroleum System Model: Special Topics
- Biogenic gas
- Biodegradation
- Unconventional
- Risk and Probability
- Exercise, Study and Discussion Case
Basin and Petroleum System Model: Exercise
- Comprehensive exercise
- BPSM Discussion
Day 3 will be discussing about special topics; biogenic gas, biodegradation, unconventional and probability. Participants will learn about special process that sometimes is forgotten during the modeling, and also to understand that every element in the subsurface, like any other discipline, is uncertain and needs to be modeled correctly, and sometime cautiously and will be focused to comprehensive exercise, there will be one big set of exercise, and participants will be grouped to have good discussion among others to deal with real geological problem exercise. The outcome of the day will be to use all material studied from day 1 to day 3, step by step performing BPSM, and understand its result in the real geological context for better comprehensive understanding.
Basin & Petroleum System Modeling Training is set for geoscientist and engineer who work in the exploration of hydrocarbon
a solid 13+ years experienced and proficient geoscientist with strong geology and geophysics background. A basin modeller – petroleum system analyst – backed up with solid exploration, new ventures and field development experience, has been working in numerous geoscientist roles. Proficient in leading and managing G&G team, designing well and geochemistry acquisition program. Expert in full cycle exploration project, seismic interpretation, prospect evaluation, prospect maturation and petroleum system analysis with strong competency in basin and petroleum system modelling (BPSM), pore pressure evaluation and seal analysis.