Classroom Training
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In Collaboration

Get Started With Our Programs

1. Geology-Geomodeling Course
Enhance your knowledge on the key of geological exploration and development

2. Geophysics Course
Getting more familiar with seismic data to make your interpretation more powerful

3. Petrophysics Course
Gets a clear picture of reservoir by learning to integrate geophysical studies

4. Geomechanic Course
a thorough overview of most key aspects of elastostatics reservoir properties

8. Data Management Course
Improve your data management skills to organize all of your important data in the petroleum business.

9. Plan of Development Course
Understanding of the stages needed to carry out the Field Development Planning

10. Geological FIeld Trip
Enhance your knowledge in New Normal & Virtual Geological Field Trip

11. Integrated Course
Provides training based comprehensively based on your daily targets

12. Student & Graduate Training
Equip fresh graduate with knowledge and best practices from the industry