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Petroleum Geology for Non-Geoscientists
This is a comprehensive course that exposes participants to the different facets of petroleum geoscience and its relationship to other disciplines. The course assumes no prior knowledge of geology and methodologically introduces the origin, migration, storage, and eventual extraction of oil and gas from the sub-surface.
Course Info

Day 1
- The origin and accumulation of hydrocarbons: Organic matter and its preservation, Bitumen and Kerogen, Diagenesis, Catagenesis and Metagenesis, the Oil and Gas Window, Van Krevelan Diagrams, Measures of source rock quality (%TOC, Hydrogen Index, Pyrolysis Yield), source rock quantity (Vitrinite Reflectance), Primary and Secondary Migration.
- From sediments to Reservoirs: Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks, The rocky cycle, Gross Depositional Environments vs Environments of Deposition, Clastic Lithologies, Eolian Systems, Alluvial Fans, Fluvial Systems, Deltaic Systems, Shorefaces and Barrier Islands, Deepwater channels and lobes, Carbonate lithologies, platform types and facies, Evaporites and their role as seals.
- Exercises on core-data
- Stratigraphic Principles and the Geological Time Scale, Lithostratigraphy, Sequence stratigraphy and its applications in the oil and gas business
- Tectonics, sedimentary basins and structural styles, an introduction to faulting and folding, and structural traps, movement of salt and shale and the creation of traps
- Global oil and gas field and the factors that control their geographic location and production
Day 3
- Subsurface datasets and their use in oil and gas exploration and development: seismic data, well logs: Gamma Ray, Spontaneous Potential, Caliper, Resistivity, Porosity, Bulk Density, Borehole Image Logs, Core data and Thin-section data.
- Exercises on Log Interpretation
- Reservoir Characterization of sandstone and carbonate reservoirs: Factors that control Porosity, Permeability, Net:Gross, Recovery Factor
- Development and Production: Steps in operations geology, reservoir management, geomodeling, well planning and field development
- The business aspects of petroleum geology: The Exploration and Production Cycle, Leads vs Prospects, Plays and Play Elements, Risking and Probability of Success, Resources vs Reserves, Exercise on the deterministic method of reserve calculation.
- Wrap-up
Day 3
Fieldtrip to understanding petroleum system in outcrop
Petroleum economists and finance personnel will develop a thorough understanding of the costs of data acquisition and processing. Managers will not only learn what costs are necessary and others that are not, but will also learn to gauge the quality of the work performed by their geoscientists.
Salahuddin Husein
Having more than 20 years experience as Lecturer at Geological Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He is an expert of Clastic Sedimentology and Geodynamics. Has many experience in leading fieldtrip related to Geology, especially in sedimentology and geodinamics. Also having many experience in giviing training and course, and also productive as writer, and has many international and national scientific publications. Mr. Sidiq Pramana Having more than 20 years experiences of Oil & Gas Industry experience within Service and Operator Company in South East Asia and North Atlantic region. He is an Geoscientist and experienced in covers many oil & gas clients such as Schlumberger, Total, Talisman, Repsol, DONG, and Pertamina. Familiar with some G&G interpretation software like Sismage, GeoX, GeoFrame Charisma, IESX, CPS3, Geology Office, InDepth, SeisCalss, Petrel, OpenSpirit, Strata (Hampson-Russel) and Sismage, Seismic stratigraphy, basin analysis, inversion and attribute analysis, facies classification base on seismic attribute, geological modelling, and simulation.