GTN Video Gallery

Here find our Gallery Portfolio of our Services!

G&G Data Types Fundamental Training for Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd on 9-12 December 2024

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Petroleum Geology of North East Java Basin (Semarang-Madura) with IAGI for PT. Pertamina SHU ETEC on 2-6 December 2024

Petroleum Economics & Gas Commercial Training for PT. Pertamina Zona 13 on 3-6 December 2024

Advance Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Field Trip for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd. on 4th-7th November 2024

Petroleum Geology for Non-Geoscientist Training for PT. Pertamina EP Zona 7 on 25th-28th November 2024

Carbonate & Diagenesis of Southern Mountain Field Trip for Pertamina Hulu Energi with IAGI PP on 18th – 22nd February, 2024.

Integrated Basement & Pre-TAF Play Analog FieldTrip for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd. on 10th-14th October 2024

Petroleum Engineering for Non Petroleum Engineers Training for PT. Titian Servis Indonesia.

Plan Development Training for Pertamina EP7 on December 19-21, 2023.

‘LQR & LRLC EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION FIELDTRIP: EMBRACING NEW OIL FROM THE OLD FIELD’ for Pertamina Upstream Research and Technology Innovation (URTI), November 8-11, 2023.

Financial Plan Training for Repsol Sakakemang B.V. 15-17 December 2023

AVO, Seismic Attribute & Velocity Modelling Course for Repsol Sakakemang B.V. held in Jakarta starts from 21st – 24th November, 2023.

Advanced Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Training and Field Trip for Petrocina International Jabung Ltd. in Ygyakarta starts from 21-25 August, 2023.

Applied Geomechanics for Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs Training for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd. in Yogyakarta starts from 4-8 September, 2023. .

Advance Structural Geology Analysis From Fault & Fracture Modelling Including Prediction to Kinematics and Reconstruction Training & Field Trip for Repsol Sakakemang B.V in Yogyakarta, Klaten and Kebumen starts from 23-29 September, 2023.

‘Reservoir Production Engineering Fundamentals’ training for ENI Muara Bakau B.V. starts from 23-26 October 2023 in Yogyakarta.

“The Application of Structural Geology for Exploration” FIeld Trip for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd., held in Pekanbaru-Bangkinang-Harau-Batusangkar-Sawahlunto-Solok-Singkarak-Bukittinggi-Padang. Starts from September 15 to 18, 2023.

GTN’s Field Observation uncovered the secrets of “SYN-RIFT SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS” for PT. Bumi Siak Pusako on October 31st – November 3rd.

Petroleum Economics Training for Pertamina International EP started from 13-16 November, 2023.

Round 3! GTN’s Plan of Development training for Pertamina EP 7 touched down in Yogyakarta from September 18th to 22nd.

GTN’s Petroleum Geology of Ombilin Basin Field Trip for Pertamina Hulu Rokan Zone 4.

Advanced Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Training for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd.

Artificial Lift Technology Training in Yogyakarta, guided by Mr. Arwansyah Johan.

Advanced Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Training for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd. in Bandung, August 7-11.

GTN successfully concluded Plan of Development Public Training Batch 2. From August 21st to 25th.

From July 31 to August 4, GTN ignited a dynamic learning journey, hosting a remarkable training in Petroleum Geochemistry for Exploration Geoscientists for Repsol Sakakemang B.V.

Training & Field Work for PT. Bumi Siak Pusako in Belitung Island was a resounding success! From 24th to 28th July, we delved into the Technical Aspects of Evaluation for POD/OPL Study. Together, we’re unearthing new possibilities for a brighter future!

E&P Data Management Fundamentals Training for Repsol Sakakemang B.V (led by Mr Widodo Nugroho)

Static 3D Modeling in Clastics and Carbonates Depositional Environment Field Trip for SKK Migas (led by Mr. Salahuddin)

Static 3D Modeling in Clastics & Carbonates Depositional Environment Training for SKK Migas (led by Mr. Abdul Latif Setyadi)

Plan of Development Training for Pertamina EP Zone 7

Geological Field Trip in the “Paciran Analogue In East Java Basin” on January 10-13, 2023 for Kangean Energy Indonesia.

“Geological Field Work & Site Sampling Central Sumatera Basin & Ombilin Basin” for PT Bumi Siak Pusako and SKK Migas.

“The Application of Structural Geology for Exploration” Training for Repsol Sakakemang B.V at September 26th – October 3rd 2022 started from Jambi – Merangin – Kerinci – Sawahlunto – Padang.

Applied Reservoir Simulation Inhouse Training for Pertamina EP 7.

Geological Field Trip in the North Sumatra Basin on June 1-5, 2022 for Petronas Carigali (PC) Ketapang II Ltd..

Behind The Scene Virtual Field Trip. EGR 2020

“Detail Petrophysic Analysis on Low Resistivity Reservoir Caused by Conductive Mineral” Training for Petrochina International Jabung Ltd in Yogyakarta, 16-20 December 2019.

“Characteristic of Carbonate Reservoir Inhouse Training” for PT. Pertamina EP Cepu Zona 11.

Training for Kangean Energy Indonesia, Ltd. with the subject “Fractures Reservoirs of West Kangean, for Development and Exploration.”

Behind The Scenes Virtual Field Trip PIT HAGI 2020.

“Advanced 3D Modeling: A Conceptual and Approach for Karst Fracture Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis” for Repsol Indonesia and Conoco Phillips Indonesia in Yogyakarta, December 30th 2019 – January 5th 2020.

“Advanced Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy and Correlation” Inhouse Training for PT. PERTAMINA EP Asset 1 & 5 in Jakarta, 26-30 August 2019.

” Static 3D Modelling in Clastic Depositional Environment” for Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd.

“Petroleum Geology of Banggai-Sula Field Trip, Sulawesi” for PT PERTAMINA EP Asset 4. Training was held from 28th-31st March 2019.