Geological Mapping Geological Mapping

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Geological Mapping

 Detailed Geological Mapping which can be utilized to uncover the potential of certain area 

Geological map is one of the most important things to know the geological condition and information in an area. To have a geological map of an area, what we have to do is geological mapping. Geological mapping involves plotting the location and attitude of the various rock units, faults, and folds on a base map. Geologic maps are used to investigate geologic hazards, mineral resources, groundwater aquifers, or just plain science.

Our geological mapping services are designed to make sure that your purpose in making the map are achieved. We provide geological mapping for various scale: large or detail, and many purpose: structural analysis, mineral and mining resources, geothermal exploration, hydrocarbon investigation, etc. With our experienced geological expert, we ensure the best quality geological map for you and your company. Our expert has mapped a wide area for Geological Maps across Indonesia.

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