Exploration Portfolio, which is the bundling product of exploration risk analysis for individual prospect, are the main key to increase E & P company value. Uncover potential mature area by implementing the new concept, new play, new idea, will appear new valuable prospect.
The main emphasis of this Exploration Portfolio Analysis contained with :
- Economic Indicator such as NDV, IRR, etc
- Risk Indicators such as Expected Value, Risked IRR, etc
- Impact of individual prospect on the entire company portofolio
What we do for this services?
- Update the petroleum system to discover new potential source rock, new migration pathway, new play, new trapping concept and seding mechanism
- Discover un-developed play in the acreage where the proven play discovered by collaborating cross basin experience in nearby basins.
- Generate hight expected value prospect with stratigraphic, subtle structure, and combination trap model
Build new analysis from existing and new prospect with prospect risk analysis
Please contact our marketing at marketing@geodwipa.com for detail inquiries, proposal and brochure.