Explore our Course
Applied Waterflooding
This course will cover the prediction of waterflood performance by the application of classical waterflood predictions. Analytical techniques and linear fractional flow theory will be discussed. The course is formulated to enhance participants to be be able to see a simulation of waterflooding.
Course Info

Day 1
- Introduction
- Process of Waterflooding
- Flow Theory
- Analysis
- Prediction Methods
Day 2
- Analytical Method
- Prediction using Software
- Waterflood Surveillance
- Management
Day 3
- Simulations and Case Study
The course is formulated to enhance participants to be be able to see a simulation of waterflooding.
Sr Reservoir Engineer Consultant with 18 years experiences in Oil & Gas Industry. Having strong passionate on Petroleum Engineering, Enhance Oil Recovery, and Reservoir Engineering. Now, he is a full time lecture in Petroleum Engineering Department, Pertamina University, Indonesia and Ph.D candidate from Reservoir Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung