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Drilling Fluids & Cementing in Implementation of GnG Data to Minimize Reservoir Problem
During this Drilling Fluid and Cementing Training participants will learn how importance The Drilling Program (including Drilling Fluids and Cementing Program) and Drilling Parameters will be applied should be refer to GnG data/information related to Formation/Reservoir damage that can not achieve the target as proposed due to skin factor based on Drilling Fluids and Cementing Programmed are not compatible to Formation/Reservoir System.
Participant will have the opportunity to learn more about basic of GnG, GeoMechanical Modelling, Basic Drilling Program and Drilling Parameter with goal Hole stabilized, minimize Formation Damage and Skin Factor due to Solid and Chemicals, and Reservoir optimization.
GeoMechanical Modelling will be helpfully in preparing of Drilling Program and Drilling Parameter especially Drilling through depletion zone, Narrow margin between Pore Pressure and Fracture Pressure, HPHT Wells, and Deep Water Wells and also Reservoir Play Concept.
The main goal of this course will be to teach participants how to apply GnG data especially GeoMechanical Modelling in controlled of Drilling Program and Drilling Parameter to achieve the Geological Target as required, Drilling project in safe and efficient (hole stabilized and cost effective), Production Optimation, and minimize Environment issue or Environmentally-friendly manner.
By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with intergrated concept that GeoMechanical Modelling as the result process of GnG data/information is very helpfull in implementation of Drilling/Completion/EOR Play Concept Program, and Drilling Parameter will applied during Drilling Operations.
Course Info

Day 1:
GnG Infomation and Geomechanical Modelling
- Petroleum System
- Geological data (trapping sytem), Exploration and Development of Geology
- Basic of Geomechanical Modelling
- GeoMechanical Modelling Result as base for Drilling Program and Drilling parameter realized in the form of Geological Montage.
Drilling Program, Drilling Paremeter, and Rig Specification
- Driling Program refer to GnG in term of Pore Pressure, Collapse Pressure, Fracture Pressure, Temperature Gradient, and Formation/Reservoir/Lithology Properties.
- Drilling Parameter concern to Lithology or Rock Properties.
- Rig Selections and other equipment required base on Geological Achievement (Interest Zone, and Proposed TD)
Day 2:
Drilling Fluids and Completion Fluids
- Basic of Drilling Fluids (Function of DF, Clay Mineral and Mud Chemistry, Mud Properties : Mechanically and Chemically)
- Water Base Mud and Oil Base Mud (Product and system, WBM and Hig Performance WBM, Oil and Synthetic Base Mud)
- Circulation System, Formation and Hole Problem (Lost Circulation, Stuck Pipe, HPHT Challenges, HPHT applications and systems)
- Drill Care (Hole Cleaning, Virtual Hydraulic and real time measurement, Reservoir Drill in Fluids for Horizontal well, Completion Fluids, Well Clean up and Displacement Procedure)
- Equipment and Future Technologies (Solid Control Equipment, EmergingTechnologies)
Day 3:
Casing and Cementing Program
- Casing Function, Casing Set Strategy related with GnG information, and Casing Acessories
- Casing Category (Conductor or Surface Casing, Intermediate casing, Production casing, Liner hanger)
- Casing Drilling
- Basic Cementing and Function.
- Cementing Procedure (Casing / Liner cementing, Cement Plug, Cement Squize).
- P & A Program
MPD with used RCD and EKD, PMCD with maintain PWD for UBD, Drilling Through Narrow Margin (Depleted Zone, HPHT, and Deep Water well).
Drilling Fluid and Cementing Training is set for drilling engineers and supervisors, tool pushers, geologists, laboratory fluid technologists, managers, and operations personnel.
Senior drilling consultant and also fluid specialist has more than 20 years of experience in multiple oil & gas companies in Middle East and South East Asia. He is able to anticipate formation/reservoir damage, avoid sagging effect, and optimize production rate. He is also experienced in giving lectures to students in universities across Indonesia.