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(JAVA) Petroleum Geology of Northeast Java Basin Field Trip, Yogyakarta - Semarang
East Java Basin is one of the major oil and gas producer sedimentary basin in Indonesia. The first oil and gas refinery in Java was built in this area back in 1893. This fieldtrip invites the participants to visit the rock formations that make up the East Java Basin whose become a key element of the growing oil and gas system. Audience will be also guided to local tourism destinations in Yogyakarta, Klaten, Purwodadi and Rembang, Indonesia
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Course Detail
Day | Main Field Trip Activity | Geotourism |
1 | Arrival in Yogyakarta | Yogyakarta culinary and city tour |
2 | Observation and discussion about Central Java Basement and geology of Southern Mountains in Bayat | Rowo Jombor tour |
3 | Observation and discussion about Kerek formation in Alas Kobong and Kuwu mud volcanism phenomena | Kuwu mud volcano tour |
4 | Observation and discussion about Ngrayong formation in Polaman and Braholo and also modern sedimentology in Rembang | Rembang mangrove forest tour |
5 | Departure from Semarang | Souvenir shopping tour |
Petroleum Geology of Northeast Java Basin Field Trip is set for Geologist, Geophysicist, Petrophysicist, Engineers who are interested to know the Petroleum Geology in Northeast Java Basin
Field trip leader is academician with PhD in Geology from Departemen Teknik Geologi Universitas Gadjah Mada